Saturday 5 February 2011

All work...

Unfortunately, this image does not mean I've been watching The Shining (Stanley Kubrick, 1980). It's a comment on how interesting my week as been, i.e. not very. I've not watched a single film, hardly read anything, though we did cave on the money-saving and go out for a lovely dinner last night, so that's good. Hoping to rectify the lack of film-viewing asap. And OMG I just remembered I got The Shining for Christmas. Score! That's first on the list.

Image from (with thanks)


  1. Hehe, not as good as getting "The Exorcist" for Christmas. Not that I did, but a friend asked for it specifically for Christmas; just find that amusing.

    Sorry to hear your week has been a bit pants, but enjoy your movie.

    Dan x

  2. Ha, cheers dude. I did actually watch The Exorcist a few days before Christmas, it was a beautiful contrast. My Christmas reading was mainly Lolita, so in keeping with the non-festive theme!
